Since 2014 NAViGO has provided annual physical health checks to those with severe mental illness via their multi award winning Wellbeing Health Improvement service (WHISe). We will continue to provide these health checks and work closely with our primary care partners to provide physical health screening and timely interventions or treatment in order to increase life expectancy. WHISe also provides a fully holistic and recovery focused service which facilitates physically active sessions, lifestyle education and healthy lifestyle empowering groups via their WHISe Choices programme. WHISe Choices provides a fully informative and educational service to help service users make a ‘WHISe Choice’ about their lifestyle, information around medications, their interactions, and make healthier choices with meals and increase activity levels. NAViGO pledge to continue to provide this service and its ongoing development with a recovery focused and service user centred approach in order to reduce the risk of developing long term health issues and promote a more healthy and enjoyable lifestyle.
Pledged September 2018
Anthony Ackroyd said: “Just because you have a mental illness does not mean you are immune from any physical health problem. See the whole person and not just the diagnosis.”