Action on Smoking and Health pledge to the Equally Well Charter:
Action on Smoking and Health is working to achieve the vision of the Mental Health and Smoking Partnership to reduce rates of smoking among people with a mental health condition to the level of the rest of the population. Over the next year, we pledge to; support the work of the Partnership, publish a report on implementation of NICE guidance on smoking in mental health trusts, undertake a survey of community mental health providers and commence a project to assess the training needs of mental health staff in relation to smoking.
Pledged on the August 2018
Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive said: “Equally Well UK’s ambition to take seriously the poor physical health of people with a mental health condition resonates with ASH. The early deaths and illness experienced by people with a mental health condition are in large part caused by high rates of smoking. For too long health services have been complacent about this, seeing smoking as the norm. But all people have an equal right to good health and all people should be given an equal chance to live smokefree and escape the death and diseases caused by smoking. We are pleased to be part of a movement challenging the norms which perpetuate poor health for those with a mental health condition.”