Project Description
BMC PsychiatryBMC series – open, inclusive and trusted201616:193
Published: 8 June 2016
The SCIMITAR (Smoking Cessation Intervention for Severe Mental Ill-Health Trial) is a Qualitative feasibility study that explored the effectiveness of a bespoke smoking cessation intervention delivered by mental health workers (MHSCPs mental health smoking cessation practitioners).
The mental health background of the practitioners was considered valuable not only due to their increased understanding of the service users’ illness but also due to the more collaborative relationship style they employed. Challenges involved delays in liaising with general practitioners and patient struggles with organisation and motivation, however the MHSCP was well placed to address these problems.
The bespoke smoking cessation intervention was acceptable to service users and both service users and practitioners reported the value of a protected mental health worker role for delivering smoking cessation to this group. The results have wider implications for understanding how to achieve integrated and personalised care for this high-risk population and further underscore the need for sensitised smoking cessation support for people with serious mental illness.