Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust pledge to the Equally Well Charter:
We pledge to make available on an ongoing basis a tiered programme of physical health training to improve the competence and confidence of our clinical staff. This will include level one physical health skills and MEWS refresher training for our nursing and health care assistants through to more advanced training delivered by the local university. This training will help to support improved physical health monitoring through our physical health clinics as well as mental health assessments in both our wards and community services. We also pledge to share our mental and physical health expertise with primary care colleagues to help them deliver physical health interventions for people with mental illness to reduce the mortality inequality gap in this population.
Pledged September 2018
Jonathan Warren, Acting Chief Executive said: “We are proud to be part of this critical movement to improve the quality of everyday life for people with mental illness. Physical health concerns often go unrecognised and untreated and this has to change.”