Look Ahead pledge to Equally Well UK
Look Ahead support 2,500+ people with mental health needs annually across our 113 mental health, learning disability, homelessness and young people’s services. We work hard to address the physical health inequalities faced by all our customers, particularly those with mental health needs, and have a structured approach to promoting physical wellbeing and proactively identifying and addressing long term conditions. In addition to providing safe, high quality supported accommodation, delivered by knowledgeable well-trained staff, we are committed to:
- Making the physical wellbeing of our customers a senior management priority through effectively reporting physical health outcomes through our governance structures. This will enable us to respond to emerging trends in health needs locally and at an organisational level.
- Embedding our MindBodyMatters health promotion programme across all services. The programme covers key health issues identified in Department of Health guidance for Mental Health Nurses, and include factsheets and workbook to be used to enhance customer understanding and take action to improve their physical health.
- Delivering our STOMP action plan, ensuring staff are equipped to discuss medication impact with service users and advocate to clinicians to address medication that is have a negative impact on wellbeing.
- Targeting 100% of customers to have physical health checks with their GP on an annual basis.
Pledged in September 2018
Chris Hampson, Chief Executive said: “I have seen the health inequalities faced by mental health customers and recognise our role as a provider to improve this situation. We are committed to innovative, remedial interventions and working together to make real changes.”