Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust pledge to the Equally Well Charter:
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that patients with long term mental health conditions have access to high quality help and support for their physical health that meets their individual needs, and gives them an equally well chance of enjoying longer, healthier lives.
We will continue to work with our services user to strive towards effective, accessible services that support their physical wellbeing and we seek to find further ways to reduce health inequalities for those with severe mental illness by sharing good practice with our buddy Trust Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust and others in this network.
Cathy Ellis, chair of LPT said: “By pledging our commitment to the Equally Well Charter for equal health, we will take another step forward to ensuring our services continue to evolve and meet the needs of our local communities. We are striving to create high quality, compassionate care and wellbeing for all, by improving the accessibility of our services for anyone experiencing mental health problems, and working closely with them to improve their physical wellbeing with individualised care plans. Sharing best practice in this area is an important part of our commitment, so that together we can ensure anyone with severe mental illness can live a longer and healthier life.”