Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust pledge to the Equally Well Charter:
We pledge to advance the experience and outcomes of physical health amongst patients accessing our services. This will be implemented through wide ranging initiatives and focused actions identified through the Trust Physical Health and Wellbeing Group, Public Health and Lifestyles Group, Food and Nutrition Group and A Weight Off Your Mind – a regional programme for tackling unhealthy weight in people experiencing mental illness. We have appointed a Physical Health and Wellbeing Lead to act as an ambassador for this work. Spearhead initiatives, such as the newly launched QUIT programme – providing tobacco dependency treatment to service users across the Trust – will help us to address key priorities in the physical health agenda.
Integral to this work is the involvement of former service users and peer supporters, who will bring crucial lived experience to inform and guide our strategies and approach.”
Pledged in September 2022
Rajesh Nadkarni, Executive Medical Director and Deputy Chief Executive for the Trust, said “We are proud to join Equally Well UK and demonstrate our commitment to highlighting and improving the physical as well as mental health of the people we support. By signing, we are pledging to improve access to good physical health support for the patients accessing our services.”