Coronavirus: an update from Equally Well UK
As the coronavirus wears on, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by uncertainty. We will all have worries and experience disruption to daily life, and this will be even more difficult to deal with for those of us who already struggle with our mental health.
In times of uncertainty, it’s more important than ever that we take care of our mental health and look out for people living with mental illness. While the current circumstances make this more challenging, even small gestures and actions can make a difference. There are some useful resources below on how we can take care of ourselves and others and get through this together.
Earlier this year we created a short guide for people with severe mental illnesses on practical ways to protect and support physical health during this uncertain and unsettling time, which can be downloaded here.
For more videos from Sarah and Centre for Mental Healths Chief Econnomist please click here to visit the Centre’s Covid-19 page, which includes their briefing on supporting mental health during Covid-19.
Managing our mental health during COVID-19
Some useful advice and articles for everyone to look after ourselves and our families and friends:
- Public Health England – Covid-19 vaccine, Guidance for the public on the mental health and wellbeing aspects of Covid-19 & Covid-19: guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing
- NHS England – Advice for everyone – Covid-19 & Maintaining wellbeing while staying home
- Every Mind Matters – Coronavirus staying at home tips
- Rethink Mental Illness – Managing your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak
- NHS Volunteer responders – if you have a severe mental illness you can register for support which includes delivery of medication, food shop and other essential supplies
- Mind – Coronavirus and your wellbeing
- We are Undefeatable – Advice on how to keep moving when managing a range of health conditions
- Children & Young People’s Mental Health Coalition – COVID-19 Protecting Children & Young People’s Mental Health
- GOV.UK Coronavirus (Covid-19): What you need to do
- Ten percent happier – Coronavirus safety guide
- BBC – Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health
- The Guardian – ‘Pause, reflect and stay at home: how to look after yourself and others in self-isolation
- World Health Organisation – Advice for the public
- World Health Organisation – Myth busters
- Mad Covid – Hardship Fund for people with a mental health difficulty facing financial hardship in the UK
- Arthritis Actions Covid-19 advice
- Shelter – Housing advice: coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Hardship Fund for people with a mental health difficulty facing financial hardship in the UK – Mad Covid
- Surviving lockdown with voices and visions – Hearing Voices Network
- PHE – Covid-19: guide for employees
Some useful advice and articles for professionals and organisations looking after others:
- The Royal College of Psychiatrists has put together guidance for psychiatrists and other healthcare professionals working in mental health settings – Responding to Covid-19
- Royal College of General Practitioners has put together a web page sharing practical resources and support for GPs and their teams
- The Royal College of Nursing has put together a Covid-19 guidance
- NHSE/I – Supporting mental health providers to care for patients deemed clinically extremely vulnerable to Covid-19
- World Health Organisation- Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak
- Webinar training on Mental Health Consequences of Infectious Disease Outbreaks
- Local Government Association and the Association of Directors of Public Health – Public mental health and wellbeing and COVID-19
Need support with your mental health?
We know this is a very unsettling time for many people. If you’re struggling and want to speak to someone, Centre for Mental Health’s list of helplines includes some phone services that might be helpful.
How we are working during the COVID-19 crisis
At Centre for Mental Health (hosts of Equally Well), the wellbeing and safety of our staff and the people we work with is paramount. We are operating a ‘work from home’ policy across the organisation in line with the Government’s latest advice. We are holding online team meetings, keeping in regular contact, and holding all meetings with partners online. You can still get in touch with Emma who manages Equally Well or Centre for Mental Health team and we will continue to carry out our work and share news and updates over the coming weeks.
Our partner Rethink Mental Illness also have a number of resources, information and guides on Covid-19 which can be found here.
Page first published in March 2020