We are delighted to invite you to the first of a series of 2019-20 learning events aimed at Equally Well members and partners on 14 May 2019. We are encouraging each organisation to send a team of 1-5 people working across different disciplines within mental health, and ideally to include somebody with professional experience of managing physical health conditions, an expert by experience and possibly a relevant partner working with you.
The day consists of two parts:
- A morning site visit to King’s Health Partners Mind and Body Programme. An opportunity to hear a range of case studies from individuals and teams leading change – including talks focusing on the Equally Well UK 2019 priorities of healthy weight management and tobacco smoking
- An afternoon learning event.A three-hour session focusing on getting started with Equally Well UK: featuring member case studies focusing particularly on healthy weight management and tobacco smoking; and group work to consider what change looks like within your context and first steps to get there
As well as Kings Health Partners, we’re delighted to be joined by the following speakers:
- Angela Willan, 2gether NHS Foundation Trust
- Pardeep Grewal, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust
- Taryn Paten, Darzi Fellow, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- Linda Nazarko, West London NHS Trust
The morning session starts at 09:00 and finishes with lunch at 12:00 (SE5 8AF). The afternoon session starts at 13:00 and finishes at 16:00 (SE5 8SN). We are grateful to King’s Health Partners for hosting this event.
The series of learning events is free for teams brought together by member organisations, and £450+VAT per person for non-members (please contact Emma if you aren’t a member and would like to attend). As this is the first of a series of meetings, we are keen for continuity as well as commitment from each organisation.
To register for the event please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/equally-well-uk-may-learning-event-tickets-57494434401
We hope to see you on the 14 May.